Really gives a new meaning to Dungeon Master, hey?
Okay, okay, now that we’ve all got that out of our systems off the top, let’s take a look at The 5e Guide to Sex — 34-pages of unofficial source material for D&D 5e that covers everything from pregnancy to foreplay to doing the deed itself.
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We’re not entirely sure how many D&D campaigns actually incorporate sex into their games (or in how much detail, exactly) but for DMs who want to have some sort of material to go off of, we’re sure you won’t find a more comprehensive PDF.
Now, as with all things D&D, any source material (official or not) can be altered or disregarded as the DM and table see fit — there’s a reason for Rule 0, after all.
We should also note that sex can be a sensitive subject for some, and DMs and players alike should gauge their table’s comfort level through open and honest communication before steering an adventure towards the bedroom.
We won’t go into details on the nitty gritty of the document (though it’s free to peruse for those who are willing), but we will say that its table of contents include sections such as: Getting Laid, Pregnancy, Sex Among Races, Sex Among Classes, Fetishes, Sexual Items, Sexual Magic, and Sexual Monsters.
The author leads into the document by stating “A character looking to get laid in Dungeons & Dragons can use the following systems to hook up with someone, perform the deed…and then deal with the consequences. While real-life was used as a touchstone for most of the rules in this document, the main goal was ease of play and fun. The author fully believes that D&D is not and was never intended to be a Real Life Simulator.”
Through all our searching, we were unfortunately unable to identify the creator(s) of the homebrew material. The document does not include any credits, which may or may not have been intentional.
If anyone knows who should be credited for the work, please let us know and we will update this article accordingly.
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