Check out the dungeon map creation tool that Matt Mercer uses

If you’ve ever wondered how Critical Role’s Matt Mercer constructs his iconic dungeons, we’ve got you covered.

The legendary DM answered a fan’s question on Twitter earlier this week when he was asked what site he used for the “sweet new printed out maps from last night’s @CriticalRole?”

Mercer replied back with a quote-retweet directing Michael Saint Gregory (@Its_Me_MSG) and all his other followers towards Dungeon Scrawl, stating that it is a “really awesome tool for rapid map-making I was recently made aware of!”

We don’t fault Mercer for only now hearing about Dungeon Scrawl (we’re guilty of that, too) because it’s a somewhat recent addition to any DM’s toolbox — having first launched last spring.

The free-to-use site is in its open beta phase, though from what we’ve seen checking it out ourselves — and what Mercer was able to do with it — it seems to be running quite well.

Dungeon Scrawl allows DMs to create sprawling caverns and terrifying tombs with ease, incorporating style presets, Multi-page PDF exports, VTT compatibility, layers, and even the ability to create isometric maps, among other functions.

The tool is currently free for anyone who wants to check it out, though if you’re hoping to show your support to its creators you can head over to their Patreon page and drop a few bucks.

$9.50CA per month get a Supporter role on the Dungeon Scrawl Discord and a suggested tagline.

Those who offer up $18.50CA per month will get pre-release features, bonus asset packs, access to an Alpha Tester Discord role, and a download key for a standalone version.

And if you’re willing to pledge $54.50CA a month, you’ll get all those previous benefits, a “Cartographer” Discord role, and your name in the credit section of the mapmaking tool.

You can check out Dungeon Scrawl’s Discord, Twitter, or subreddit to keep an eye out for updates.

And yes, they can do hex grids.

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