Happy Pride Month, everybody!
To celebrate this June, Wizards of the Coast is offering Pride-themed D&D gear at their website.
Funds from the sale of the stunning shirts go directly to The Lambert House LGBTQ+ Youth Center, which “empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth through the development of leadership, social, and life skills,” according to its website.
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This marks the 4th straight year that Wizards Pride ERG has run the Pride Shirt Fundraiser, though this year is especially important given that the Lambert House has to raise $550,000 by September 2021 to continue operating due to its leased headquarters going up for sale.
D&D Pride merch can be found at the MTG Pro Shop, which is offering everything from shirts to messenger bags to hoodies.
The least expensive item comes in at $10 (for a mousepad) while the priciest is either the messenger bag or zip up hoodie, both coming in at $50 USD.
Those hoping to make a donation to Lambert House can also do so through their website.