Official Dispatch: Well, we made it to the one month mark

Time truly flies when you’re creating content having fun, hey?

The D&D Dispatch is officially one month old, having launched back on Saturday, January 23.

(Yes, if you go way back in the archives there are some NADDPOD Listen Along articles that are timestamped before that, but that was all before we went live.)

In that single month we’ve published 89 articles (nearly three a day!), seen over 11,000 pageviews, launched a newsletter (sign up at the bottom of this page), and even had a few readers reach out about contributing as writers — something that we’re more than happy to accept (email to get in on that).

It’s been quite the month, to say the least.

I didn’t exactly know what I wanted this blog to be when I first thought up the idea for it after leaving my job in digital journalism at the end of 2020. I guess I’d been burnt out from covering the pandemic for the better part of the year, and looked to the game, community, and content that had kept me sane during some of my bleaker moments.

As I mentioned in the very first Dispatch; I’m not out here pretending that I’m a D&D expert in any way, shape, or form. I’ve never created a homebrew class, I’ve only been DMing for a few years, and most of my own D&D characters are optimized for interesting storytelling, rather than pure power.

The one thing I do believe I have a better handle on than most is the people aspect of the game. Scheduling, conflict resolution, collaborative storytelling, sharing the spotlight — all the crucial things that you can’t really find in any sourcebook — which is why you may have noticed that I err towards writing about that stuff rather than your usual How To Optimize This Class kind of articles.

I’m also pretty damn good at writing quickly (those 89 articles can attest to that) and keeping an eye out for breaking news, so this is definitely your place to check in for the latest and greatest happening in D&D.

I’ll get to the point, though.

I’m having a blast writing this stuff for ya’ll, and have been blown away by the views, kind words, and overall response I’ve received over the past 30 days.

I plan to keep it up for as long as my savings hold out, and would greatly appreciate your support in anything and everything from page shares to follows to even just clicking on articles like you did with this one.

Hells, even if you hate my takes, feel free to leave a comment explaining as much — I’ll always appreciate the engagement, no matter how critical.

All this is to say: Thanks, really, for a wild month.

Here’s to the next one.

– Dispatcher

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Weekly newsletter, anyone?

Sign up to join our subscriber list to get our weekly newsletter sent straight to your inbox on Friday morning, which will include the latest D&D news, articles, memes, and more!
And no spam. We promise.
