You just know that D&D parties are suckers for cute pets.
From familiars to stray animals to that one dumb guard that the PC decided to adopt, no D&D party is truly complete without a few tag-alongs.
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Which is why, when presented with an adorable little bunny rabbit hopping its way across the lush, green meadow (or potentially at the entrance of a cave, amid a pile of… bones?) there’s a pretty high likelihood that someone in the party will want to go over there and at least pet the cute lil thing.
And that’s when things will turn bloody.
Much like Monty Python’s Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, this Killer Rabbit homebrew shared by Twitter account Natural One Crafts (@Natural1Crafts) is a lot more than meets the eye.
With an AC of 20, a Max HP of 76, and coming in at a whopping 9 as far as Challenge Rating is concerned, this little fluffball is capable of taking out entire low level parties — just as its creator warns.
“Hey, thought I’d throw this out into the web from my Easter adventure. Fun little bun bun for killing entire parties,” Natural One Crafts wrote to accompany the homebrewed stat block.
This little rabbit is immune to non-magical weapon attacks, being charmed or frightened, and has a speed of 50 ft per round.

Its movement is further buffed by its Standing Leap of Death ability, which allows it to long jump up to 20 feet and hig jump up to 10 without even needing a running start. If the jump ends with a bite attack (of which it has two per round), the attack is made with advantage.
And the bite is nothing to laugh at, either. With a +9 to hit, the savage little animal will land 4d10+5 piercing damage.
The real kicker, though, is that if the target has something that could be argued as a neck, the Killer Rabbit will decapitate them if the attack brings the target’s hit points to 0 “as the rabbit’s big, nasty, pointy teeth tear through their flesh with ease.”
If the party does survive the ordeal, you just know that they’ll be a little more hesitant to approach wild animals (no matter how adorable) in the future.
Thanks for sharing the stat block, Natural One Crafts!
Natural One Crafts offer a wide variety of D&D-related items that can be ordered online from their Etsy shop.
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