First-time DMs don’t have to know everything about how the game works

Look, all DMs have been in your position before.

To become a Dungeon Master, one has to have previously not been a Dungeon Master, or even a player for that matter.

Taking the plunge and running your first game is a scary thing, but oh so worth it.

I’ve always said that the hardest thing about playing D&D is actually playing D&D, and that’s usually a reference to how hard it is to get schedules lined up to actually find a time to play.

But there’s no game to play if there’s no Dungeon Master, and there’s no Dungeon Master if there’s no one willing to step up and run the game.

I’ve been a DM for years now. I’ve seen campaigns reach god-like levels, and I’ve hosted more one-shots with new players than I can count. I mean, I run a Dungeons and Dragons blog, for Lathander’s sake, and even I don’t know anything close to all there is to know about this game.

I don’t think anyone does.

But that’s alright.

All you really need to know to be a DM is the basic understanding of the game; how rolling to hit and damage works in combat, and when to call for skill checks and saving throws. That’s honestly it. Everything else can come in due time, because no D&D session is complete without someone stopping for a minute to look something up.

Even if you aren’t even the most knowledgeable person at the table, you can still DM. Those more experienced players can (and should) help you out along the way, offering respectful insights into the rules (but always accepting that you, as the DM, have final say).

You don’t need to be a world-class voice actor to DM. You don’t have to be an award-winning writer to DM. All that it really takes to run a game of Dungeons and Dragons is the desire to be a DM.

And if you’ve already got that, well, now you just need to do it.

But that’s just my two coppers.

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