To say Dungeons and Dragons has come a long way in pop culture would be an understatement.
From the success of actual-play shows like Critical Role and NADDPOD to the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons movie that has cast A-list actors like Chris Pine and Regé-Jean Page to the game’s appearances in TV shows like Stranger Things and Riverdale, it’s clear that there is a lot of quality D&D-related content out there to enjoy.
See also:
- Justice Smith latest addition to cast of Dungeons & Dragons movie
- This Twitter account just took a deep dive into the history of D&D
- 7 times Dungeons and Dragons was featured in popular TV shows
- 5 actual-play Dungeons and Dragons campaigns you should check out
But back in the 80s…
All that you really had was this Dungeons and Dragons cartoon.
The Dungeons and Dragons TV series ran from 1983 to 1985, spanning three seasons on CBS and airing 27 episodes.
The premise of the show is quite simple, and is actually depicted in the opening theme; six kids/teenagers are at an amusement park and all go on the Dungeons and Dragons-themed ride.
Halfway through the ride the get transported (magically, we guess) into an actual D&D world, where they’re immediately accosted by none other than TIAMAT THE DRAGON QUEEN.
Yeah, this show was not pulling any punches.
A wizardly-looking old man shows up and turns the teens into various D&D characters; a Ranger, a Thief, a Cavalier, an Acrobat, a Barbarian, and a Magician.
They’re joined by a unicorn named Uni (because all good D&D groups need a pet), and attacked by not only Tiamat, but Venger, the Force of Evil.
Naturally, these kids are just trying to find their way back home, which evidently takes them a while given that the show ran for 27 damn episodes.
The first of those episodes can be found on YouTube via the account ichi3ruki3, as well as embeded below:
We’d highly suggest giving it a watch for no other reason than the sheer ridiculousness that is the 1980s depiction of Tiamat.
See also:
- Justice Smith latest addition to cast of Dungeons & Dragons movie
- This Twitter account just took a deep dive into the history of D&D
- 7 times Dungeons and Dragons was featured in popular TV shows
- 5 actual-play Dungeons and Dragons campaigns you should check out