Wizards Studio releases trailer, launch date of D&D video game

A trailer for the upcoming RPG video game Dark Alliance has just dropped.

Dark Alliance is a Wizards Studio and Tuque Games development that follows an adventuring party take on the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale in search of the Crystal Shard.

The trailer shows classic D&D monsters like Beholders, wraiths, dragons, and giants for the party to battle in real-time.

It also included a launch date of June 22, meaning D&D fans will have just over three months to wait before they can get their hands on the title.

Dark Alliance will be available on Steam, PS4, PS5, XBOX One X, and XBOX Series X.

This marks the first video game published by Wizards of the Coast, and is expected to be followed by an triple-A game from Hidden Path Entertainment that has begun development earlier this month.

The Dark Alliance trailer can be found on YouTube here, or watched below:

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