Say you’ve finally convinced your group of friends to try out D&D.
You’ve got a one-shot prepared, some maps drawn, and those NPC voices down pat… but you also know that the one responsibility that falls on the players — ie. creating their characters — may be a little bit too much to ask these already-hesitant-would-be-D&D-players.
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Well, instead of grinding through the hours it will take to make custom character sheets for everyone (because, let’s face it, they may not even understand half the stuff you put on there), you can head over to this handy character generator we’ve found and knock out a few sheets in literal seconds.
No, this article isn’t being sponsored by in any way (though we’re open to it, jussayin), but we figured that we should point our fine readers to the site that has saved our own ass on multiple occasions. is not where you go if you’re hoping to min/max, or hand pick your known spells, or put together the dream PC you’ve had knocking around in your head for a few months now.
What it is ideal for, however, is churning out one randomly generated character after another, with the option to choose race, class, subclass, level, background, alignment, custom ability scores, feats, and magic items.

This is great for chaotic-irl players who may see helming a random PC as an interesting challenge, or for the aforementioned DM that just needs some sheets pronto for their new players to pick from.
Those who generate a character on the site can choose from limiting their character sheet to the free-to-use basic D&D rules, the Player’s Handbook only, or Core+More, which uses the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, expansion rules, and other sources.
On top of the previously mentioned choices, the generator also allows you to choose what format your character sheet comes in, ranging from text-only for mobile to greyscale to colored in portrait or landscape.
Plus it’s honestly pretty fun to just punch in some random choices and see what kind of character pops out!
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